Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's Bloody Hot Down Here

So I guess I lied to everyone. I said I would update once a week and that hasn't happened. Life/school/work definitely got in the way. So no more promises. Just subscribe to my RSS feed or check facebook/twitter for postings of my updates.

That being said, September has been a rather eventful month. I kinda enjoyed the listing aspect that I used for the previous post so I will employ it once again.

1. HEAT: It is unseasonably warm. Lots of 90 degree days and mother nature seems not to care that it is now autumn. I would really appreciate it not being in the 80s on my birthday but it is very possible. I'd also like to wear my uggs and be comfortable in jeans. Hopefully this small rant will lead to the weather changing.

2. Jobs: Last time I was here, I had plans to work at the National Gallery of Art. However, I was offered another position and chose to take one at the Historical Manuscripts department at the University of Maryland. I am a processing archivist for the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Collection(UBCJA). It is about 700 linear feet, which is a rather large collection, and it is my job to process it, or in non-archivist talk, order it logically. I've already started working and I like it for the most part. Stay tuned for exciting developments over the next three years.

3. Labor Day Weekend: Kathryn came to visit!! I gave her the quick and dirty tour of the area, albeit more quick than dirty. We went to the Columbia Mall, drank at the Pirate Bar in Silver Spring, trekked around the Mall in D.C., saw two planetarium shows, questioned our place in the world, drank at the Thirsty Turtle(for the first and last time ever), got cupcakes at Georgetown cupcake, and saw Obama's crib. It was an awesome weekend and I think/hope Kathryn enjoyed the area enough to come visit again!

Hot messes right here

4. Classes: I started classes. The library science courses are pretty basic. Just reading and taking notes. The history course, theories of imperialism, is very interesting and a lot tougher than any of my other courses. I enjoy it the most and am actually looking forward to taking more history courses next semester. I am definitely glad I didn't just come here for Library Science. Grad school would've been easier than undergrad.

5. Half-Marathon: I was going to have an entire post about the half-marathon but I decided against it. But yea, I ran, and survived, a half marathon. It was amazing actually. I have now been inducted into the running tribe with the name of Extreme Squid/Jersey Terp. I should probably combine that in some way at some point. Nevertheless, I ran it in 2:22, which means I averaged a 10:30 mile. For 13 miles. I was in loads of pain by the end of it but it was such an amazing experience. Definitely found strength I didn't know I had. Can't wait for the next one - thinking the Jersey Shore Half-Marathon in May. And then maybe I'll do a full marathon. And then a triathlon. And an Iron woman! I'm doing it all!

Running Tribe!

I would say that this encapsulates the month of September. At least it recounts all the PG tales. All drunken escapades cannot be recounted for fear of my family disowning me and my future children reading this one day. If you are really interested, make plans to take me out, by me a beer, and I will recount them with pleasure.

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